The Benefice of Bentley Common, Kelvedon Hatch and Navestock CHURCHES:
Three different churches worshipping one God
My name is Rev’d Julie Hardy - I am the Priest- in - Charge of these three parish churches, which offer a variety of worship from informal Family Services with a worship band, Holy Communion and traditional Book of Common Prayer. We may worship differently, but we all love and serve the one God, through faith, hope and love.
Whether you’re interested in exploring your faith, new to the area, or have an important life event such as a child to be baptised, a wedding to be arranged, or a funeral of a loved one; we will welcome you and walk beside you – sharing our faith, hope and love.
Many different things are uploaded to Facebook daily, which cover everything from Prayer, Well being, courses, things to do, etc. You do not have to join Facebook to look at it. In Google, search for St Paul's Bentley Common, St Nicholas Kelvedon Hatch, St Thomas Navestock Facebook page and it will take you to the page and you can see all the information, plus watch Sunday services.
St Paul’s Church Bentley Common
A family, united in Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit and growing in faith to share and proclaim the love of God
St Nicholas’ Church Kelvedon Hatch
God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit to reflect God's healing and hope
St Thomas’ Church Navestock
To build God's church by loving our neighbour through prayer, service and by sharing the gospel

WE welcomE Everyone ………….
Helping local people in crisis
Items for Brentwood Foodbank can be taken to:
Doddinghurst Road Community Church, 56-60 Doddinghurst Road, Brentwood, CM15 9EH
The facility is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 11am and 1pm
Alternatively, there are boxes at the back of each church where donations can be placed
The current list of requirements can be viewed by clicking on the link below
We are called to be good and wise caretakers of God’s world.
Eco Church is a scheme run by A Rocha UK equipping churches to care for God's creation through their worship, buildings, land, community engagement, and individual lifestyles.
By completing an online survey, churches can be considered for an Eco Church Award at either Bronze, Silver, or Gold level. There are currently 364 Bronze, 145 Silver, and eight Gold Church of England Eco Churches. The scheme is a fantastic resource for encouraging churches, cathedrals, and dioceses to embody the fifth mark of mission.
There are five areas that a church must demonstrate environmental engagement with to receive an award:
· Worship and teaching.
· Management of church buildings.
· Management of church land.
· Community and global engagement.
· Lifestyle.
The three churches in the benefice are working towards become an ‘A Rocha Eco Church’ . Two of the main areas of concern were the problems of recycling and litter .
There was a Benefice litter pick during Holy week . More are planned - if you wish to be involved, please contact Rev’d Julie on 01277 373486.
The churches are also looking at schemes to promote recycling of specific items which will be opened up to the wider community.
Rethink your relationship with things
HASSOCKS!! Better known as ‘Kneelers’ are now redundant in St Paul’s church. They make ideal kneelers for gardening! If you wish to own one, a small suggested donation of £2 will buy you one of these - please contact Rev’d Julie

benefice cycle ride
Click on this link to see the details of the ride between the three churches