A Benefice Christingle Service via Zoom starting at 10.00am led by Rev’d Julie Hardy.
Christingle services are a joyful celebration that bring families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope. Christingle celebrations are named after the Christingles that are lit during the ceremony. Christingles are oranges wrapped in red tape, decorated with sweets, with a candle on the top. Come and tale part in this special service and collect a Christingle orange.
Christingle packs will be prepared in advance for people to collect from Thursday 28th- Saturday 30th at St Paul’s Church in the porch and also from The Rectory, 2 Church Road, Kelvedon Hatch.
To create your own Christingle you will need an orange, a candle (not a tealight candle), some red ribbon/wool/tape, 4 cocktail sticks, any sweets, raisins, or anything edible which can be skewered onto the cocktail sticks.
Topic: Lockdown Christingle service
Time: Jan 31, 2021 10:00 AM London
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