A family, united in Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit and growing in faith to share and proclaim the love of God

St Paul's is a warm, friendly church welcoming visitors and seekers. Evangelical in tradition, the Sunday services use the Church of England's service book 'Common Worship' and are very informal in style. Music embraces traditional hymns as well as well-established and new worship songs. Worship is led by a small music group which includes various instruments and singers. Refreshments are provided after the service allowing everyone to chat and catch up. The St Paul's Church Centre adjoins the main church building and provides an excellent venue for mid-week meetings such as Bible Study, The Mothers’ Union and the Coffee Club.
St Paul’s has strong links with Little Doves Christian Pre-school which is led and managed by Pam, a worshipper at St Paul’s. Additionally, there is a strong relationship with Bentley St Paul’s Primary school. A number of the church family are governors and some help in the school . Both the pre-school and the school regularly visit St Paul’s for services. During the main Sunday morning church service, a creche is provided for those children under the age of 4. This is a session of free play with various toys. It is run by a team of mums on a rota basis. Additionally, JAM (Jesus and Me) is for children aged 4 to 10. There are lots of varied activities most weeks in the white room at the back of church, helping children to grow and understand the Christian faith. For older children - 10 years old and upwards, there is a youth group called Y@B - Youth at Bentley. They meet in St Paul's Church Centre on the last Friday of the month at 7.30pm .
The regular Sunday morning service starts at 9.30am.
There are different services each week - please consult the calendar/events list to see which one is happening on any given Sunday
regular events
Weekly events:
Tuesdays 7.30pm Bell ringing practice at St Paul’s Church
Wednesdays 9.00am Coffee Club in the Church Centre - until 12.30pm (every 1st and 3rd week)
9.00am ‘Little Hatchlings’ Toddler Group - until 11.30am (every 2nd and 4th week)
7.30pm Hand bell group practice in St Paul's Church Centre
Monthly events:
2nd Monday 8.00pm St Paul’s Mothers’ Union in the Church Centre
jam - Jesus and Me
At St Paul’s church , when there are Holy Communion services, a group called JAM (Jesus And Me) takes place in the Church Centre. Children from reception class until Year 5 are invited to leave the church and go with DBS checked helpers to take part in fun craft activities.
The dates for the next few months are:
12th January
26th January
9th February
9th March
23rd March
Visit Us
St Paul’s Church Bentley Common
Mores Lane
Pilgrims Hatch
CM14 5RZ
Please use link below to access current weekly notice sheet which shows details of events for all three Benefice churches
Please let us know if you have someone you would like us to pray for or you have a specific prayer request.
Please contact us using the button below to add or remove a name or to request prayer.
If you wish to donate items to Foodbank, please take the items to the Foodbank collection centre in Doddinghurst road .
Address: The Rectory, 2 Church Road, Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood CM14 5TJ
Telephone : 01277 373486
Benefice Email Address: benkelnav.three@btinternet.com
Facebook page : St Paul’s Bentley Common
The History of St Paul’s Church
The origins of St Paul’s church started with a piece of land in 1865 where a school as built for the local children!
Margaret Perthen has painstakingly compiled a timeline of the church - to view the document please see link below:
Two photos of St Paul’s church taken using a drone earlier this year