The mothers’ union - a global Christian movement working with people of all faiths and none to develop communities, strengthen families and advocate for change
The Mothers’ Union is an international Christian membership movement supporting families and communities in need of support in the UK and worldwide since 1876. The members are active in 84 countries and work tirelessly to serve their communities whilst offering Christian care for families, regardless of faith or background. Mothers' Union is unique because the members work as volunteers in local communities, putting their faith into action by acts great and small, giving individuals in need a helping hand and enabling communities (of all faiths and none) to have the confidence and skills to transform their lives in a sustainable way. The movement was started in 1876 by Mary Sumner to support mothers as they brought up their children as Christians.
There are two Mothers’ Union branches in the Benefice.
St Paul’s branch is led by Carol and Karen and meets on the second Monday of each month in St Paul’s Church Centre.
St Nicholas’ branch is led by Rosemary (who is also the Deanery Leader) and meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the Fane Hall.
During the year, each branch arranges speakers to come in. Additionally, the branches have the occasional meeting together. There are also Deanery Festival services, Quiet Days and regional and national MU Councils which are attended by the leaders.